Sitemap - 2021 - Love notes from Siel

retracing the scars life has dealt you

once-in-a-lifetime things have been done to death

"How do you distinguish between vulnerability or oversharing?"

bodies hurtling through the air

a wilder, more organic thing

"I do not like my city"

Life here conspires against timeliness

Dancing under a highway in Medellin

the things you do for money

My first tragedy in Lima

a long row of handsome would-be surf instructors

The scariest part of sandboarding

Getting locked up in Public Storage

Fear of flying hands-free

how to glide about the world

How to avoid indecision

drama finds me, even while I’m sleeping

getting exactly what you asked for

How does one just live?

corrupting the language center of my brain

What kind of person lives in Vegas?

What are you afraid will disappear?

How to prolong happiness

The night was still balmy, tinged with smoke

Fainting is a trippy experience

What is desire, even?

performing uninhibitedness

What is living, without goals?

My first police car ride

All I’m going by are feelings

Is it possible to feel free without FOMO?

Moaning from pain or pleasure

and you decided to come to Memphis?

It must stick out all over me

music tinged with wine

the haunting began mysteriously

What makes women wander?

How do I know if I’m in love?

a bizarre level of generosity

things were starting to get twisted

a weird but not unusual thing

Everyone was like, you're crazy

formless, confusing, and free

to be lucky and irritable

the jolt of the familiar against the raw shock of the new

full of possibility — and beauty

a strange and exhilarating frenzy

the emotional, impulsive push that compels us

Existential despair tinged with senseless hope

Jettisoning things from my life gives me a thrill

People I barely knew asked me to do things

Your worst fears have already come to pass